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Why Choose AIG for Energy Insurance?

There are good reasons to choose Energy Insurance from AIG

The AIG Advantage

AIG Cyprus Energy Solutions

Oil refineries, petrochemical plants, chemical manufacturers and electrical utility companies, mining and process industries. 

Construction All-Risk & Erection All-Risk

Construction All Risk and Erection All Risk (CAR/EAR) provides comprehensive coverage for the myriad risks energy and energy-related businesses face that are inherent in construction projects, from project inception through completion and beyond.

All-Risk Property Insurance

All-Risk Property Insurance provides coverage for property damage, business interruption, and extra expense may be written for any energy and energy-related businesses including oil and petrochemicals, power generation, utilities, chemicals, construction, process industries, and mining. 

Terrorism Insurance for Energy

Terrorism Insurance for Energy Businesses provides cover for energy and energy-related businesses in Cyprus, including oil and petrochemicals, power generation and utilities, chemicals, mining and process industries. 

Renewable Energy

Expert advice to assist clients meets the challenges of renewable energy risks.